How to make oil a canvas in a easy way

This page teaches you how to make oil canvas made from silver white in tube paints makers producted. It's just only painting tube silver white on linen cloth attached to the stretcher. But you should take its original oil ( usually poppy-seed or suflawer oil are used in tube white paint ) out from the paint in advance. And add the proper oil ( e.g. Stand linceed oil or Sun-thickened linceed oil ) and grind it again. See the explanation of "Drying oil". There are many kinds of tube sliver white at art material shops. We must be careful in choice of white. Tube white including Zinc is not suitable for the ground. Check colour index name on the label of the tube. See expalanations of "White lead" and "Zinc white".

Replace oil and grind the paint again

Put the paint on some piece of paper to take oil out of the paint like below picture ( 30 min. or 1 hour ). Do not use fluffy paper. At that time , cover it by clear-plastic wrap to avoid oxidization.

Then put the paint on the grinding slab and add stand oil and mix them by spatula or pallete knife.

Start to grind the paint. The paint is already wet , so there is no possibility that you will swallow the powder of white lead flying in the air. If you want , you can add some kind of inert pigments such as calcium carbonate or barium sulphate.

If you grind much of paint , put all on top and left of the grinding srab, and take proper amount on center of the srab. When you finish to grind thie amount , move it to the corner of the top and right of the srab. Repeat that. Finishing to grind all paint, gather all and grind them at once.

Paint the ground

Now you paint the ground on the linen cloth attached to the stretcher or sized wood board. At the first layer, thin the paint by Turpentine. And then from 2nd layer , paint it without thinning. Paint 4-5 layers. It takes several month to dry perfectly.

Author: N,Matsukawa E-Mail:
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