Notice for Message Boards

This site provides four different type of Message Boerds.

Message Board for Small Talk
It's just for small talk. Please talk about anything other than painting. Or Introduce your self. We always welcome you.

Message Board for Beginners
It's for Beginners. You can ask about your questions or problems here. And if you are not beginner, Please answer to their questions. Sorry, it's still under construction.

Message Board for Western Art Mateirials and Techniques
Message Board for Eastern Art Mateirials and Techniques
They are for specialists, techniqualist, prodessional use. But do not hagitate to write. Talk like small chat.


It's very important to discuss with other people having opposite opinion. But do not dispute hard. Let's talk theoretical and peaceful.

Use English language only on any Message Bords in this site. Character of other language would be garbaged.

Message Board for Western painting and Message Board for Eastern patinting has no deleting message option. But do not mind miss spelling or description. If you have to correct your message, write correct message under the previos message.


Illegal or improper message would be deleted by webmaster. It depends on Webmaster's judgment.

Consider to copyright. When you quote sentences from books, please write the name of the book and author.

The others

Webmaster do just administrate these Messge board. Sometimes the Webmaster write or reply, but not always.

Subject of message should expresse the content of message.

Author: N,Matsukawa E-Mail:
Copyright(C)2001-2002 Norihiro Matsukawa, All Rights Reserved.